Tabitha Anderson

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Jazz Love 3 weeks

Name: Tabitha Anderson

Date of Birth: 9/14/1978

Gender: Female

Personality and Alignments 

Boss and CEO attitude. Best or nothing to Tabitha.

  • Lawful good 

Strengths and Weaknesses

(Strengths) A strong wielded woman who will tell you the truth even if it hurts. Not a quitter frankly an achiever.

(Weaknesses) Very prideful to overshadow her own insecurities. Loud mouth at the worst times.

(Greatest Advantage) Persuasion and charisma.

(Greatest Vulnerability) Pride over being correct.

(Bad Habits) Heavy footed when it comes to driving, quite a bit of credit-card-debt.

(Phobias) Deep waters, Bankruptcy.


(Education) 2001 graduate of University of San Andreas, Los Santos (UCLS) Major: Finance

(Hobbies) Browsing the Coach catalog, spending time with my kids, spending hubby's money


Husband: THE Joe Anderson

Children: Hunter Anderson, 13, Blake Anderson, 10


Real estate mogul, originally hails from the bustling streets of Liberty City. Growing up in a middle-class neighborhood in Algonquin, Tabitha was raised by parents who both worked in finance, instilling a strong work ethic and ambition from a young age. After completing a degree in Business Administration at LCU, Tabitha started a career in corporate finance but quickly realized a passion for real estate. In pursuit of greater opportunities and a lifestyle change, Tabitha relocated to Los Santos at the age of 28. The move was inspired by the allure of the San Andreas real estate market, known for its luxury properties and vibrant culture. Tabitha embraced the change, immersing in the local community and leveraging connections made during a previous internship in a high-end real estate firm.

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