Masters, Chad
Character Backstory 0 replies 41 viewsCharacter Overview
Name: Chad Masters
Date of Birth: 09/02/1988
Gender: Male
Personality and Alignments
- Neutral good
Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths: Strong street knowledge, experience with situation defusal, seasoned officer
Occasionally works out, enough to pass agency PT exams
Examples: No known in El Reno
Chad Masters was born in 1988 in the Rural East Tennessee. Chad was raised by a family of blue collar trades. Tom Masters, Chads father, was born in 1950 in North Western Colorado where he was raised by a father who was a professional outdoors man and guided tracker. Once he turned 18 he was drafted into the Vietnam War. Masters qualified for the Green Beret program with exceptional tracking and stalking skills. Once trained he was deployed deep behind enemy lines as a force multiplier. After several tours and successful combat missions Tom Masters was given a Bronze Star due to selfless actions performed to save American lives.
Once home, Tom torn from PTSD and head trauma took to the bottle and his life spiraled out of control. Unable to hold a job he was soon found to be out of options in Colorado and moved to East Tennessee in search of coal mine work. There he would find his wife and together they would raise Chad Masters who was no stranger to his fathers physical abuse from his crippling alcoholism. At a young age Tom had took lit cigarettes and put them out on Chads arms in attempt to make a man of him.
After several years of living in a toxic and demanding environment, Chad Masters took the Army as an escape from his rural life in Tennessee. Masters joined in 2005 at the start of the Global War On Terror. Masters was deployed with the Mechanized Infantry which was the primary fighting force used in Urban combat in Iraq. During his first deployment, a fighting age male was spotted in a alley way In the outskirts of Sadr City throwing a Russian RGD hand grenade into a M75 armored transport. The explosion effectively killed all of the occupants of the transport. After realizing what had happened Masters and his squad pursued the fighting age male through the alley ways into a abandoned apartment building where the enemy was heavily held up with light machine guns. After a few exchanges of gun fire Masters took a hand grenade and threw it into the room where the gunfire was coming from. There was a explosion and then there was silence. After approaching the room Masters and his squad secured the building and cleared the room where the gunman was located. In the main room it was discovered that there was a 2 dead gunmen and on the corner was a 2 deceased women and 2 children that were killed in the explosion from the hand grenade. In the next room over a weapon cache of several AK variant rifles and RPGs were discovered along with a bomb making lab. Unaware how to process the chaos of what just unfolded Masters feared the worst and couldn't understand why women and children would be hiding in this building.
Masters would see a Court Martial following the deployment for killing "Innocent civilians" but would soon not be convicted after the evidence provided would show that Masters killed the enemy who took 8 American lives and discovered weapon cache would out weigh the collateral damage that took place in Sadr City. After his innocence Masters deployed 2 more times, once to Iraq and once to Afghanistan. In both deployments Masters would receive a purple heart for injuries sustained in the theatre of combat.
After his final deployment Masters would become a dedicated law enforcement officer in the City of El Reno.
How do they react to stressful situations?
Masters is well trained in on duty stressful situations. Off duty Masters takes to Alcohol and Tobacco to alleviate stress and to deal with undiagnosed PTSD.