Jake Stiller
Character Backstory 0 replies 25 viewsCharacter Overview
Name: Jake Stiller
Date of Birth: July 19, 2005
Gender: Male
Personality and Alignments
- Neutral good
Strengths and Weaknesses
Phobias: Scared of spiders and snakes
Bad Habits: Speeding constantly
Lifestyle: Calm and laidback
Highschool Graduate
Car lover/Enthusiast
Backstory: Coming from a small town out in Kentucky, he always wanted to live somewhere else and make a new life. He was always trying something new and wanting a thrill so he thought best to move to a place called El Reno. Being new to a random city however may either prove to be his best decision or his worst.
How do they react to stressful situations?
Jake may over-react to certain situations but he will find someway to make it out.