Frankie Stines
Character Backstory 0 replies 9 viewsCharacter Overview
Name: Frankie Stines
Date of Birth: 10/17/1997
Gender: Male
Personality and Alignments
Lawful good
Strengths and Weaknesses
(Strengths) communicative yet quiet, respectful, and responsible.
(Weaknesses) Makes Second guesses, lacks pride, and relies on other's opinions.
(Greatest Advantage) Loyalty
(Greatest Vulnerability) Shyness
(Bad Habits) Trusts too easily
(Phobias) Deepwater, spiders, snakes
Education 2016 Graduate of VCHS. Applied for VCPD - Denied
Mother Sheril Stines (Deceased)
Originating from Vice City, Mr. Frankie Stines was not at the top of his class, but he stood out when he felt he was correct. Especially when it came to helping people. Before the passing of Ms.Stines, Frankie was taking care of her but after many years of a tough battle with lung and breast cancer, Ms. Stines was deemed cancer free, however at the beginning of March after attending VCPD academy where he was denied due to another applicant having more experienced at the job. Shortly after Ms. Stines passed from lung failure. While taking care of Mom Frankie was working in an industrial environment as a full-time unarmed access control security officer for four total years. Before moving to Los Santos Frankie went to his mother's grave one more time and prayed that he was going to make a big change. Frankie had thought deeply about building something to help people. Now at 27 years old, Frankie makes his attempt to become a success on his own by saving up for a plane ticket to Los Santos. Looking to grow and build a security company, and meet new folks. Frankie flies blind to follow his dreams.
How do they react to stressful situations?
Strategically, firm, and courteous depending on the situation.
Strategically, firm and courteous depending on the situation.