Edward "Eddie" Jones
Character Backstory 0 replies 34 viewsName:Edward “Eddie” Jones
Date of Birth:1/4/1996
Personality and Alignments
Lawful good
Strengths and Weaknesses
Very good communication business skills
Graduated From Las Vegas High School
Graduated from Nevada State University
Former U.S Air Force Aircraft Technician used to work on fighter jets during his deployment
Hobbies:Working on bikes.
Brian Edwards (Cousin)
Carter Edwards {RIP} (Cousin)
Mother:Sarah Jones
Father:Mike Jones
Edward “Eddie” Jones was born and raised in Las Vegas his dad is a U.S. Air Force Pilot and he and his family moves across the states when his father got out of the U.S. Air Force he went and got his degree to become a JROTC Instructor. When Eddie got to High School he tried JROTC Program he enjoyed the entire part of his high school life getting advanced in JROTC class and became A SGT in his JROTC Class and soon graduated from high school and went to Air Force Academy and when he completed his years at The Academy he went to into commission into the U.S Air Force. After his time he was kicked out of the Air Force for bar Brawling during his deployment now he’s back home and decided one day pack his bags and move to El Reno Looking for a job a new home to start off He used to have a Harley Until he move out and had to sell it.
How do they react to stressful situations?
Trying not to hurt the ones that he cares about and overthinking his fears